Tidy Thoughts
Articles, tips and inspiration all about attainable minimalism for moms and families.
![]() Some days I love cleaning, other days I hate it. Whatever side you’re on, use my Deep Clean Checklist (a best seller this year!) to get your butt in gear as we head into spring. It’s a simple, yet comprehensive list of tasks to completely clean your home from top to bottom in a few hours. Set a timer, put on music or a podcast, and GO! Don’t like cleaning all at once? Try spreading it out and do one task a day for a week. I personally like that “squeaky clean” feeling after your home is totally and completely cleaned all at the same time! Shop printables like this best selling Deep Clean Checklist at my Etsy shop and get systems and routines going that actually work for you at home!
3/17/2022 0 Comments You Can't Organize Clutter [Pt. 2]![]() Only AFTER you dump the clutter can you organize what’s left! Adding on to my organization tips from yesterday… ✨ Use what you can, BUT, if you buy new storage solutions, MEASURE and order extra! ✨ Clean your space before you organize/restock ✨ Decant pantry, laundry and bathroom staples to get rid of excess packaging and improve aesthetics Don’t get stuck in a cycle of clutter by “organizing” it! My husband and I had a running joke before I ruthlessly dumped the clutter. He’d look for something and ask, “Where’d you organize that to?” I think that about sums up the “clutter cycle” so many of us continue to “deal” with. LET ME HELP YOU GET OUT OF THE CYCLE! It’s a time waster, and a stress inducer for you AND your whole family. ![]() As you and your family enter new life stages, it’s a great time to reevaluate your current systems and routines. Make sure your home is still working for you as you adapt to the new seasons. This kitchen cabinet went from holding ingredients for my small Italian bakery business, then I closed that chapter (for now) and turned it into a feeding / eating / medicine cabinet for the kids. As they grow and our needs change, it’s now a snack and simple crafts cabinet (I keep the more involved stuff in the laundry room). Our kitchen is long and has a lot of storage; this is right next to our kitchen table, which makes it EASY to grab and give stuff to my kids. Keeping up with those snack demands is no joke. A few weeks ago, I finally recycled the bottles that were STILL in here. The baby stage is over for my two! I know this will change again soon. But it’s working well and serving its purpose for now. Don’t be afraid to make changes so your home is as functional as it can be for you. What’s working best for you in your home right now? Tell me, so we can share ideas! ![]() Minimalism is NOT a zero-mess solution. LIVING in your home doesn’t mean just sitting around quietly, twiddling your thumbs as no one uses or touches anything. I might wish my kids did this sometimes (HA), but let’s be real - it’s totally, absolutely unreasonable for any family! The goals of organizing and systemizing your home is to make it EASY to tidy, not to make zero.messes.ever. As you live more minimally, messes can feel overwhelming and like you’re “going backwards” or you’re “not doing it right” [P.S. - there’s no “right” way to be a minimalist!]. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not a type-A, neat freak, super-organized person. A few years ago I would have FREAKED if someone called and told me they were coming over in 15 minutes - it could take me an hour or more to just clean up and tidy my kitchen. But now, I can take 10 of those 15 minutes, put a things back in their designated homes and even have a few remaining minutes to go look at myself in the mirror and make sure my shirt is spit-up free. Embrace the “progress over perfection” mindset as you figure out what systems and routines are working for you and what isn’t - don’t feel like your systems can’t be fluid and change. This week, I’m resetting some of our current systems and daily routines, catching up on work and doing a few creative projects I’ve been putting off. 2/18/2022 0 Comments Starting with Home Systems![]() Your home is decluttered [at least for now]. You own 80% less “stuff” that was wasting your time, space and energy. You feel like you can do anything […you absolutely can]. Now what? Home systems are the roadmap and routines are the action that will help you maintain a simple, efficient and functional home. Incorporating easy systems and routines that help you maintain your efforts are important parts of a minimalish journey. As you work on cultivating a place that you and your family really love, value and connect with, just the thought of adjusting your established habits can be overwhelming. Start small, and alter what you’re ALREADY doing, instead of starting something new. Minimalism isn’t just for organized, neat-freaks - it’s for messy people (like me), too [and maybe most of all!]. 🧺 Laundry, 🍽️ dishes, 🧹 tidying and 🧽 cleaning are four of the most important tasks to keep a home running smoothly and efficiently. Use these four tasks to establish regularity in your routine. Remember, minimalism is a journey, not a destination; progress over perfection, always! Need help establishing home systems and routines? Shop printables at my Etsy shop. My Deep Clean Checklist is a 2022 best-seller, AND I just launched a 14 page Easter Planner! 2/6/2022 0 Comments Tidy Tip - Go Backs![]() Ever work in retail? I did quite a while ago! "Go Backs" were a big part of it - anything behind the register that needed to 'go back' to its place - returns, items customers didn't want, etc. I'm sure you know of this system, but have you ever used it at home? I have a small basket in our living room I use for little things that get left around, BUT, when my kids' stuff gets excessive, they both get a bin, I fill it up and then we work together to put it away (I do most of it for my youngest!). My favorite things to use as temporary bins are foldable crates - I have a few from both Green Made (InstaCrate) and Clever Made (Clever Crate) (bought at Sam's Club and Costco). See how they fold totally up in that second pic? I usually keep them in the car for groceries, shopping, etc.! They store easily without taking up much room, are stackable and have lids. Do you have a "go back" bin you use at home? What about a foldable crate? (HIGHLY recommend!) 2/6/2022 0 Comments Nightly Cleanup in the Kitchen![]() That nightly cleanup after dinner can be the most tedious, but in just a few minutes, you can get back on track (even if you’re a messy cook, like me!). Let me DISH out a little secret … 🍽️ Dishwasher loaded 🍽️ Items returned 🍽️ Surfaces wiped 🍽️ Hard floors (+ difficult stuff) cleaned Lots of people love to work in sections in the kitchen, BUT, if stuff is just piling up, it can be helpful to just blitz through tasks; loading the dishwasher / doing most dishes (so you can see your counters), returning things in groups to the pantry and cabinets, wiping off crusty surfaces and then vacuuming up all the remaining/lingering crap, and washing that ONE annoying pot that won’t fit in the dishwasher (ugh). What’s your preferred method for that last, often tedious, cleanup after dinner? Going to try my “DISH” method? 1/31/2022 0 Comments The Nightly Tidy![]() I walked in the laundry room earlier and was shocked at how clean it looked in here - those towels, rags and other random items had been sitting for a few days. Even if it's just for 15 minutes, picking up some of the lingering items around your home once the kids are in bed can make a huge difference in your mood and mindset the next day - a quick reset. I don't do it every night, but inevitably, it makes the next day run more smoothly and feel less stressful when I do. ![]() Remember, it's normal to have stuff out! You LIVE in your home! The goal is to make it easy to pick up and maintain so you can do so quickly and not waste excessive amounts of your precious time. I've got a few tidying hacks coming up this week! What do you struggle with most when it comes to keeping your home tidy? Tell me! 1/18/2022 0 Comments Struggles with "Kid Stuff"![]() Kid's stuff. The little pieces. The piles. The stuff they play with that aren't actually even toys (I'm looking at you, rocks and cardboard boxes!). Not to mention the (very generous and thoughtful) gifts from family and friends. The (LOTS) of laundry. The kitchen supplies and utensils. I could go on, but you get it, so I won't. I put the kitchen set (Christmas gift) in our kitchen for now, so we could "work together". Our wonderful family gifted A LOT of fake food and kitchen accessories for birthday (October) and Christmas - two weeks ago, I put a lot of it in the toy bins to see what could happen... Let's just say the current amount of fake food in the bins has been cut down by 2/3. She's still thrilled, plays with it multiple times a day, and reaches for the cupcakes, donuts and pizza instead of the veggies. In one word, tell me, what is your biggest struggle with "kid stuff"? 1/8/2022 0 Comments Declutter Ruthlessly![]() Let’s get RUTHLESS. Dumping the clutter (“scattered or disordered things that impede movement or reduce effectiveness”), is the first step towards taking back control of your home. Gain time and energy to spend with your family on things you ACTUALLY want to do and use when you get rid of what’s taking up precious space - whether that’s in your home or in your head. Start with mindset… “This is going to drastically improve my and my family’s life" (I know it has for us and many others!!). |
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