Tidy Thoughts
Articles, tips and inspiration all about attainable minimalism for moms and families.
![]() Some days I love cleaning, other days I hate it. Whatever side you’re on, use my Deep Clean Checklist (a best seller this year!) to get your butt in gear as we head into spring. It’s a simple, yet comprehensive list of tasks to completely clean your home from top to bottom in a few hours. Set a timer, put on music or a podcast, and GO! Don’t like cleaning all at once? Try spreading it out and do one task a day for a week. I personally like that “squeaky clean” feeling after your home is totally and completely cleaned all at the same time! Shop printables like this best selling Deep Clean Checklist at my Etsy shop and get systems and routines going that actually work for you at home!
3/17/2022 0 Comments You Can't Organize Clutter [Pt. 2]![]() Only AFTER you dump the clutter can you organize what’s left! Adding on to my organization tips from yesterday… ✨ Use what you can, BUT, if you buy new storage solutions, MEASURE and order extra! ✨ Clean your space before you organize/restock ✨ Decant pantry, laundry and bathroom staples to get rid of excess packaging and improve aesthetics Don’t get stuck in a cycle of clutter by “organizing” it! My husband and I had a running joke before I ruthlessly dumped the clutter. He’d look for something and ask, “Where’d you organize that to?” I think that about sums up the “clutter cycle” so many of us continue to “deal” with. LET ME HELP YOU GET OUT OF THE CYCLE! It’s a time waster, and a stress inducer for you AND your whole family. 3/15/2022 0 Comments You Can't Organize Clutter [Pt. 1]![]() Only after you’ve ruthlessly removed the “stuff” can you organize what’s left. My top organization tips: 1️⃣ ✨ "Measure twice, cut once" - measure your space (and your items), THEN, figure out what you can use to store those items ✨ Use what you have or order your baskets/bags/bins of choice - Pinterest-perfect is nice, but useful is way better! 2️⃣ ✨ As Maria Montessori says, “A place for everything and everything in its place.” Give absolutely everything a home ✨ Instead of putting it down, put it AWAY! 3️⃣ ✨ Chose a “method” and stick with it throughout your home - be consistent, whether that’s alphabetical, rainbow or something else; I like to do a “trial run” when I first organize an area, as long as it’s functioning well, I’ll keep the method/solution and I may update my storage bins only AFTER it's working well ✨ Label everything that is not in a clear bin I used to buy new storage solutions all the time but I just couldn’t get rid of the mess. What I didn’t realize was that I was never actually getting rid of the root cause by RUTHLESSLY getting rid of the clutter and crap. When I stopped filling up bins with that clutter and slapping a label on them and actually gave what was left a designated home, I FINALLY became the more organized person that I always wanted to be. Can you relate? What’s your top organization tip? ![]() Getting rid of 80% of your possessions can total A LOT of stuff. So how do you minimize waste when possible and do your best to put less in the landfill? Sustainable living and simple living go hand-in-hand! Try one of these four ways to give something a second life… 🌟 SELL ONLINE: Facebook Marketplace, Local Sales Groups / Swaps, Poshmark, Mercari, Kidizen, eBay | IN-PERSON: Consignment stores, pop-up events (lots of great kids ones out there!), garage and yard sales, estate sales, flea markets, auctions 🌟 DONATE Goodwill, Salvation Army, local shops, churches, family organizations, returning to work (ex. Dress for Success), animal shelters (old sheets, towels, blankets) [see my stories for more info on this!] 🌟 GIFT Special occasions, hand-me-downs, ask family/friends if they need or are looking for something, use a local service like buynothingproject.org 🌟 REPURPOSE Paint decor, move it to a different room, refinish furniture, use something unused for something else (ex., an unused cute coffee mug as a pencil cup) After the chaos of the holidays and the kids entering new stages during the first few months 2022, I have 4-5 boxes to donate - but, getting rid of that clutter is one way to avoid that dreaded cycle of it creeping back! Have you given something a second life recently? |
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September 2022