Tidy Thoughts
Articles, tips and inspiration all about attainable minimalism for moms and families.
3/17/2022 0 Comments You Can't Organize Clutter [Pt. 2]Only AFTER you dump the clutter can you organize what’s left! Adding on to my organization tips from yesterday… ✨ Use what you can, BUT, if you buy new storage solutions, MEASURE and order extra! ✨ Clean your space before you organize/restock ✨ Decant pantry, laundry and bathroom staples to get rid of excess packaging and improve aesthetics Don’t get stuck in a cycle of clutter by “organizing” it! My husband and I had a running joke before I ruthlessly dumped the clutter. He’d look for something and ask, “Where’d you organize that to?” I think that about sums up the “clutter cycle” so many of us continue to “deal” with. LET ME HELP YOU GET OUT OF THE CYCLE! It’s a time waster, and a stress inducer for you AND your whole family.
3/15/2022 0 Comments You Can't Organize Clutter [Pt. 1]Only after you’ve ruthlessly removed the “stuff” can you organize what’s left. My top organization tips: 1️⃣ ✨ "Measure twice, cut once" - measure your space (and your items), THEN, figure out what you can use to store those items ✨ Use what you have or order your baskets/bags/bins of choice - Pinterest-perfect is nice, but useful is way better! 2️⃣ ✨ As Maria Montessori says, “A place for everything and everything in its place.” Give absolutely everything a home ✨ Instead of putting it down, put it AWAY! 3️⃣ ✨ Chose a “method” and stick with it throughout your home - be consistent, whether that’s alphabetical, rainbow or something else; I like to do a “trial run” when I first organize an area, as long as it’s functioning well, I’ll keep the method/solution and I may update my storage bins only AFTER it's working well ✨ Label everything that is not in a clear bin I used to buy new storage solutions all the time but I just couldn’t get rid of the mess. What I didn’t realize was that I was never actually getting rid of the root cause by RUTHLESSLY getting rid of the clutter and crap. When I stopped filling up bins with that clutter and slapping a label on them and actually gave what was left a designated home, I FINALLY became the more organized person that I always wanted to be. Can you relate? What’s your top organization tip? Getting rid of 80% of your possessions can total A LOT of stuff. So how do you minimize waste when possible and do your best to put less in the landfill? Sustainable living and simple living go hand-in-hand! Try one of these four ways to give something a second life… 🌟 SELL ONLINE: Facebook Marketplace, Local Sales Groups / Swaps, Poshmark, Mercari, Kidizen, eBay | IN-PERSON: Consignment stores, pop-up events (lots of great kids ones out there!), garage and yard sales, estate sales, flea markets, auctions 🌟 DONATE Goodwill, Salvation Army, local shops, churches, family organizations, returning to work (ex. Dress for Success), animal shelters (old sheets, towels, blankets) [see my stories for more info on this!] 🌟 GIFT Special occasions, hand-me-downs, ask family/friends if they need or are looking for something, use a local service like buynothingproject.org 🌟 REPURPOSE Paint decor, move it to a different room, refinish furniture, use something unused for something else (ex., an unused cute coffee mug as a pencil cup) After the chaos of the holidays and the kids entering new stages during the first few months 2022, I have 4-5 boxes to donate - but, getting rid of that clutter is one way to avoid that dreaded cycle of it creeping back! Have you given something a second life recently? 3/4/2022 0 Comments Mindset Shifts with MinimalismMindset matters - shifting your mindset helps ensure you take baby steps towards accomplishing your goals. The mantra I say to myself on REPEAT now is “progress over perfection” and although whatever I imagined might not be EXACTLY what I envisioned, I get more accomplished and make small strides towards my goals (where as before, I might have had DREAMS, that I wouldn’t even act on). Here are 3 ways I’ve adjusted my mindset since beginning my minimal-ish journey… 💫 You’ll always have to take care of your home, why not do it in the most efficient way possible? 💫 Make time to make memories; stop wasting it on stuff you don’t need or care about 💫 When something needs to get done, ask for help, make it fun, and take care of it quickly so you can shift your focus to what matters more to you and your family Remember, anyone and everyone can be a minimalist - there is no “end goal”, you can call yourself a “minimalist” if you just decided the lifestyle was right for you! It’s a journey, not a destination. What’s a mindset shift you’ve made recently? 2/8/2022 0 Comments Self Care for MinimalistsBefore this Valentine’s Day, let’s talk about taking care of OURSELVES - the person we should LOVE the most and care for the most, although as moms, it can sometimes feel like (and even be) the complete opposite. “Self care” is a huge buzzword (in my opinion). It’s a great concept, but can actually be frustrating - so many moms try to treat themselves and think, “Is this self care? Am I taking enough/too much time away for myself?” It can be hard to get a “break” - we’re small business owners, I am a stay at home mom and the primary caregiver of my kiddos. BUT - there are still ways to indulge, even if you DON’T have the luxury to take a bigger chunk of time away from your every day. 1/17/2022 0 Comments Three Minimalist MantrasAs you’re hopefully relaxing this Sunday, here are three mantras that can help you shift your mindset if your goal is minimalish living. ✨ BE present and intentional ✨ LESS is usually more ✨ LIVE in the moment Remember, dumping the stuff is great and the first step to a simpler, more efficient, minimalist home/life - BUT, it’s a mindset shift that will help you maintain it. I'm working hard to be more present and live in the moment - I've been trying to go from "this age/stage is so frustrating/difficult (...my almost 2.5 year old who has been fighting sleep lately)" to "there will always be new challenges, how can I best meet her/my needs right now". Sh*t's easier said than done. Are you going thru a challenging phase at home right now (I'm sure that's PLENTY of us!)? 1/12/2022 0 Comments Making the Minimalist ChoiceYou’ll always have to take care of your home, so why not do it in the most efficient way possible to make room in your timeline for other things? Things like spending time with your family and actually enjoying it - instead of being present in face only when you play Monopoly on game night because you can’t remember if you paid your credit card bill when it was due last week and you’re internally panicking. The Minimalists came up with the 20/20 “rule”, which is an ideal way to approach whether or not you should keep the “just-in-case” items that we tend to keep around for that exact reason - just in case. I’ve adopted this rule, but changed it a bit to fit our family’s needs - the $15/15 minute approach. The idea is, if you can replace the item for less than $15 in less than 15 minutes, it’s gone. If you need it, like REALLY need it, you can replace it down the road, BUT the majority of those items, you won’t even miss. Consider the following... 1/10/2022 0 Comments What to Declutter?Although I can’t tell you exactly what to declutter, I can tell you where to start - the “easiest” to “hardest” areas of your home; it can vary from person to person (Want a more specific approach for *your* family? Have a call with me!). The “snowball effect” often takes over when you get rolling and start to see progress - easy areas get decluttered quickly and harder areas get easier. 1/8/2022 0 Comments Declutter RuthlesslyLet’s get RUTHLESS. Dumping the clutter (“scattered or disordered things that impede movement or reduce effectiveness”), is the first step towards taking back control of your home. Gain time and energy to spend with your family on things you ACTUALLY want to do and use when you get rid of what’s taking up precious space - whether that’s in your home or in your head. Start with mindset… “This is going to drastically improve my and my family’s life" (I know it has for us and many others!!). |
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