Tidy Thoughts
Articles, tips and inspiration all about attainable minimalism for moms and families.
![]() It is normal to feel overwhelmed by the thought of decluttering your entire home at first. It sure took me a while, and I put it off day after day, month after month, thinking that the frustrations and stresses at home were just "part of life". It can even take longer than you’d expect. I’ve been “mildly” decluttering for years, and until I got completely unrelenting and ruthless about it, including changing my mindset, clutter continued to creep back over time. Instead of shutting down, I’m pushing you to JUST START. As I mentioned in my last post, take that snowball effect and use it to your advantage. Give yourself a realistic goal and WRITE IT DOWN, tape it in the room you start in. Make a realistic goal (“I will completely declutter this room including throwing things away and dropping off donations by September 1, 2021”). Ready to get back your TIME, take back control and create an efficient home with little ones that you absolutely love? Decluttering is the first MAJOR step to calming the chaos. Take these 8 simple steps to dump the excess stuff and begin your journey to minimal, intentional living. 1️⃣ Start small, but just START 2️⃣ Set a goal and realistic timeframe in each room of your home 3️⃣ Start in the right place (easiest to hardest; yes, your closet is THE HARDEST, think about all those feelings those old clothes bring up!) 4️⃣ Ask two big questions - When did I last use this? Do I love this and is it benefitting me or is it wasting my time and distracting me? 5️⃣ Figure out what areas of your home are taking up the most time for you; declutter these areas and plan to implement efficient systems
6️⃣ Use the one-minute rule, plus set a boundary - ex. All laundry items returned to laundry room / donate all items by end of month 7️⃣ Face the hardest-to-tackle items; the sentimental items and small remainder piles aren’t going to declutter and clean themselves up 8️⃣ Use Montessori's principle, “A place for everything and everything in its place.” I challenge you to take 5 minutes TODAY and declutter ONE drawer. Your efforts will pay off and snowball and you'll be on your way to a simpler, less chaotic and more functional home.
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September 2022